halina marki
about halina
Philadelphia, Cracow, and Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts
Brooklyn Navy Yard, Brooklyn NY | 1994-2019
Hollywood, FL | 2019 - Present
Started exhibiting in NYC with Lynn Kotler in 1983 and continued exhibiting in NYC at the Polish Institute, the Kosciuszko Foundation, The Lower East Wing Gallery, Tompkins Square Gallery , Tribeca 148 Gallery, and 450 Broadway Gallery; Pranich Gallery in Dania, FL .and Chicago ILL., Zachęta Gallery in Warsaw, Poland; Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, Brooklyn Navy Yard Artists, South of the Navy Yard Artists, Borough Hall Gallery, Brooklyn War Memorial Gallery, and Soap Box Gallery in Brooklyn NY.

E64" x 82" oil on line

.64" x 104" oil on linen

64" x 104" oil on linen

90" x 67" oil on linen

64" x 52" oil on linen

64" x 52" oil on linen

82" x 64" oil onlinen

64" x 104" oil on linen.

104" x 192" oil on linen

..64" x 104" oil on linen

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64" x 82" oil on linen

82" x 64" oil on linen..

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64" x 208" oil on linen

64" x 104" oil on linen

64" x 104" oil on linen

64" x 82" oil on linen

82" x 64" oil on linen

104" x 64" oil on linen.

64" x 82" oilon linen.

64" x 52" oil on linen

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6'6" x 9"10" oil on linen

82" x 64" oil on linen

64" x 52" oil on linen

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82" x 64" oil on linen

64" x 104" oil on linen

64" x 52" oil on linen

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works on paper

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